To exist in society, a company must not only comply with laws and regulations, but also with the ethics that it must observe as a social entity. WELCO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “WELCO”) will contribute to society as a whole as well as to the conservation of the global environment by building up social activities, both tangible and intangible, in addition to business activities, while complying with the aforementioned laws and regulations.
WELCO will contribute to society through business activities, taking into account the impact to the global environment and local communities under the management philosophy of, “WELCO pursues happiness both in material and spiritual aspects, and values the pleasure of working together with great colleagues and the joy of being able to create something. WELCO will continue to contribute to the advancement and development of its customers with things we ourselves create.” WELCO will further tackle important issues for the realization of a sustainable society and the growth of business, and as a company that can work flexibly with changes in society and the external environment, we plan to further enhance our corporate governance and aim for mutual prosperity together with our stakeholders. |