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Trade name WELCO Co., Ltd.
Established April.1971
CEO Yuichi Kon
Capital 40million JPY
Number of employees 145
Locations 3-3-1 Sumiyoshi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-0034, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)42-333-7320
Fax: +81-(0)42-333-7313 or +81-(0)42-333-7314
  • ✔The development, production, and sale of peristaltic pumps for OEM application
  • ✔The development, production, and sale of peristaltic pumps as automated chemical dispenser units
  • ✔The development and production of electronic control devices according to customer specifications

Our company's name is an acronym of World Electronics Corporation.
Yukio Kon named his company WELCO when he established it in 1971,hoping that the company would be unique around the world with its electronics products.

We have been offering products in various fields for more than 20 years since WELCO's establishment as a manufacturer of industrial electronics equipment, including multiplex transmission systems.
Since then, we have newly developed and started to offer peristaltic pumps and chemical dispensers (in 1991) in response to our customer needs. Peristaltic pumps are now our flagship products, and have a high reputation for good performance and reliability in a wide variety of areas such as medical care, analysis, printing, washing,and industrial machines.